We are orthopaedic professionals, like you…

Orthopaedics, a patient-centred industry, has evolved with new digital techniques that now enable us to better serve patients. Our teams know the orthopaedic industry and design CAD/CAM solutions that respond to the dual challenge of providing digitalization tools that enhance precision and empower professionals to incorporate their hand-crafted know-how, with precision and attention to detail.

Our origins

Rodin4D, established in 2004 by the French company Lagarrigue, is part of the Eqwal Group Family, with over 2500 collaborators over the world.



Unlike its competitors, Rodin4D is a company composed by professionals with expertise in made-to-measure orthopaedics involved on all levels of company (management, R+D, training and sales…). Our technicians and software developers put that professional spirit to work every day to offer you new solutions adapted to your needs.

Our purpose

To offer you powerful easy-to-use tools adapted to your work for rapid learning and achievement of your goals.

Our users

Over 3500 passionate orthopaedic professionals in 42 countries use our solutions every day.
Each year, over 60% of all new functions and products we design are based on their recommendations and input. Our users play a major role in the evolution of every product and service of the solution.

Our principal challenge

To help you and your company meet the challenges of the transition to digitalization, providing products and software for 3D acquisition, orthopaedic designs and corrections.

Our values


People are the key success factor in any transformation

We believe in people”. Rodin4D owes its success to its people, the men and women whose skills, ideas and dedication are determining factors in successful project outcomes.


Your patients are our priority

We know the field and share the same priorities: satisfaction of medical teams and patients.



Our goal is to help your company become more cost-efficient and profitable.



An important part of every stage of our collaboration and projects.

Meeting our community of users.

The only private event totally dedicated to orthopaedic professionals in France.